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Cultivating Tool Heads

The multi-change® cultivation tool range incorporates all the tools needed to keep borders and allotment areas in good condition. A mix of grubbers, aerators and cultiweeders help keep the weeds out of the soil and breaks down hard stony ground
£14.99 £11.15
£14.99 £13.45
£19.99 £17.95
£14.99 £11.95
£21.99 £19.70
£14.99 £11.45
£19.99 £14.90
£14.99 £13.45
£19.99 £17.95
£24.99 £19.75
£21.99 £16.90
£24.99 £22.45
£19.99 £17.95
£21.99 £15.90
£32.99 £29.60
£21.99 £16.20
£24.99 £22.40
£29.99 £26.90
£24.99 £18.90
£14.99 £10.70
£14.99 £13.45
£19.99 £17.90
£19.99 £14.50
£24.99 £22.45