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Tool Heads

The Wolf Garten multi-change® range is specifically designed to be lightweight and comfortable to use. Each tool in the collection has its own features that make the tool work harder and longer. With a choice of 14 handles and over 60 tool heads, there is a tool for every gardening task.
Wolf 4-in-1 Leaf Rake
Wolf 4-in-1 Rake
Contact us for a price
£14.99 £10.70
£14.99 £11.15
£14.99 £11.45
£14.99 £11.95
£14.99 £13.45
£14.99 £13.45
£14.99 £13.45
£19.99 £14.50
£19.99 £14.90
£24.99 £15.45
£21.99 £15.90